Because of the interaction of God's grace and human sinfulness, the word that accompanies the event, and the event that is interpreted by the word, must be more than mere information giving. It must be a redemptive word-event that has the power to break through our self-imposed, sinful darkness. It is not the story as story that does this. Redemption is in the event by which God reconstructs an acceptable human history while judging the unacceptable. The doctrine of justification by faith involves the substitution of God's righteous history in Christ for our fallen and condemned histories or rebellion...The gospel reminds us that God will judge history by the man he has appointed, in demonstration of which he has raised him from the dead (Acts 17:31)/ the corollary of the gospel-based eschaton is that all people should repent of their own part in the dysfunctional nature of human history (Acts 17:30). god has put our rebellious history to death in the death of Christ. In the resurrection of Jesus he has brought the eschaton into our history. The resurrected Jesus is the new man of the new age. That single past event guarantees that, through our faith union with Christ, our past and our present will find consummation in the future.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Great Quote from "Gospel Centered Hermeneutics" by Graeme Goldsworthy
I am reading a great book Called "Gospel Centered hermeneutics" by Graeme Goldsworthy. You can purchase this book by Clicking here
I would really recommend this book to you. It is a very well done presentation of the state of Hermeneutics today and how we got to where we are. Also, what we can do to right the ship in the Church. I thought i would share this quote. It is fantastic.
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Great exerpt! I whole heartdly agree. Hermeneutics, faith and praxis, is to be understood in the light of the eschaton. An inaugurated eschatology in the God-Man Jesus. And that God saves us by writing a history. Good Stuff Ryan.